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3 Times To Rent A Mini Storage Unit

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You might think renting a storage unit isn't worth it if you don't have a lot of things to keep in the unit. However, that's not necessarily true. Storage facilities often rent units of different sizes, so a small one might be all you need. Just being able to park a riding lawnmower in the unit so it's out of your garage for half the year could be worth renting a small unit, but you can always rent a bigger unit if you need one. Here are three times you might want to rent a mini storage unit to get rid of annoying clutter in your home.

1. When Your Closets Are Stuffed With Clothes

If you own a lot of clothes and your closet is small and stuffed so full that clothes get wrinkled, it's time to come up with a solution. You might buy a free-standing clothing rack, but that takes up room and is not very attractive in your bedroom.

Instead, you could box up your seasonal clothing and take it to a mini storage unit. Consider buying a wardrobe box or two so you can keep things on hangers, or fold everything and put the clothes in boxes. Your off-season clothing will be safe and ready for you to pick up and swap out with your other clothes as soon as you need them. This gives you much more room in your closet so you can find the clothes you want more easily.

2. When A Child Goes Off To College

When your child goes off to college, that could free up a bedroom you can use for sewing or working out. You probably don't want to get rid of the furniture right away, so keeping it in a mini storage unit is a good idea so you can get it back out when your child comes home for an extended stay over the holidays or summer. You can bring the old furniture back and place the exercise equipment in storage until you can swap them back.

3. When Pool Season Is Over

If you have a lot of pool supplies that can't be folded, such as noodles, rafts, and deck chairs, they'll take up a lot of space in your garage over the winter. It's worth renting a mini storage unit to store your pool equipment safely and get things out of your way. It's often difficult to keep a garage free from clutter since clutter tends to find its way there and then never leave. When you have a mini storage unit available, you'll have a place to store things like pool equipment so your garage stays tidy and has room for your car.

Contact a professional to learn more about mini storage units. 
